// 4 Ls in Spain

Hello~! This is the official blog for Loraine, Sandra, Jia Wen and Qian Hui. named 4 L's in Spain~! :D read on ^^

A Little on Spain
Thursday 1 March 2012 | 02:07 | 0 blackmail

The Flag
Red and yellow are traditional Spanish colors and derive from the coat of arms of the original Spanish kingdoms. There is no special or official meaning of the colors. The most important part of the flag is represented by the Coat of Arms. 

The crown stands for the Constitutional monarchy and the supporters symbolize the geographic position of Spain: the Pillars of Hercules represent Gibraltar and Ceuta on either side of the Strait of Gibraltar. They display a motto in Latin, "PLUS ULTRA," meaning "More Beyond". Sitting on top of the pillars are two crowns: one is supposed to be the Imperial crown whereas the other is the Royal crown. The four quadrants signify the four kingdoms which came together to form a unified Spain in the late 1400’s. Castile represented by a castle, León represented by a lion, Aragon represented by vertical red and yellow stripes, and Navarre represented by linked chains. There is also the kingdom of Granada represented by a pomegranate fruit at the bottom and an impaled fleur de lys which represents the ruling House of Borbón.


Red Carnation- Spain's National Flower :)

Animal: Bull
Bird: Short-toed Eagle 
Flower: Red carnation
Motto: "Plus Ultra" "Further Beyond"
National Anthem: La March Real (The Royal March), is an instrumental piece with no official lyrics.

Food in Spain
Spain is famous for its fish delicacies and simply must be sampled, especially if you get to coastal areas. Paella has long been a Spanish favourite, based on either meat or seafood. Every region in Spain has its own specialities.

Drink in Spain
Primarily Spain is a wine drinking country with each region producing its own special wines, however there are several large breweries within Spain producing the light, lager-like beers popular everywhere. The principal table wines are the Riojas and Valdepeñas, named after the regions in which they are produced.

Fiestas and Traditions
All Spanish towns and cities have their own special celebrations, as well as the national holidays such as Christmas, Easter Week, All Saints Day etc. The way in which the national events are celebrated also varies from place to place. Most festivities are of religious base, mainly Catholic.

Spain has always been famous for its bull-fights as have other countries all over the world.. In Spain the bullfight is called the Fiesta Nacional (The national Sport).It is the most common thing associated with Spain, and rightly so for its origins date back to 711AD when the first bullfight (corrida) took place in honour of the crowning of King Alfons VIII. Every week, all over Spain, many thousands of Spaniards flock to the nearest bullring, but not all Spaniards agree with the sport, or like it. Bullfighting has now been banned in Catalunya and it is likely that other regions will follow suit. It has been reported that this ban will result in thousands of jobs being lost and large sums of compensation being paid to bull breeders.

physical contact during a conversation with a Spaniard is a typical way of communicating in Spain that is not considered an invasion of personal space?

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All about music in Spain~!